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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

A manta ray - immense - five metres

across from the tip of one wing-like fin
to the tip of the other.

lt's travelling economy,
wasting as little energy as possible,

as it glides through
the waters of the tropics.

The remora fish that accompany it travel

more economically still
- by hitching a lift.

Their host is searching for food
- plankton,

the minute fish and invertebrates
that float near the surface.

lt needs lots of them
and may cruise for days before...

it finds a good feeding ground.

Dusk, at the edge of a Pacific lsland

three thousand miles
from the nearest continent.

Here surgeon fish have assembled to spawn.

As they perform their nuptial dances

they discharge clouds of eggs
and sperm into the water.

The manta must have known this was about

to happen for it arrived at
exactly this critical moment.

And it is not the only one to do so.

Others are here too.

Now all they need to do is
to sweep the water into their mouths

and sieve out the eggs.

Within an hour,
the whole event will be over...

Any surviving eggs will be so dispersed

that they are not worth collecting.

But other perils await them as they join

the clouds of eggs
and larvae and tiny fish

that drift through the
surface waters of the open ocean.

These are the eggs of yellow fin tuna.

lf the hatchlings survive, it will
take them two years to become adults.

ln three years,
they could be nearly two metres long

and weigh two hundred kilograms.

Perhaps only one in a million
will live as long as that.

They and the other animals
and microscopic plants of the plankton

constitute the basis of all life
out on the open ocean.

A storm petrel dancing on the water.

But this is no amiable waltz.

lt's a hunt.

As they hover facing into the wind,

they pick out morsels
from near the surface, including eggs.

Only a tiny percentage
of the developing eggs

will survive long enough to hatch.

These newly emerged tuna
are only three millimetres long

and although they can swim
they're still very vulnerable.

lt will be many weeks before they can swim

strongly enough to make any
real headway in the ocean.

After the sun goes down,

other predators rise from the depths
to attack the floating multitudes.

Darkness shrouds the arrival of
battalions of dangerous drifting predators

These shimmering comb
jellies - sea gooseberries

- trap their prey
with sticky net-like webs

One ill-timed fin-stroke could bring
certain death to a hatchling fish.

There are many kinds of these comb jellies

- all of them very effective hunters.

By dawn, most of the nocturnal feeders

will have returned to the depths.

The surviving hatchlings,


hover [ˈhɒvə(r)] n. 徘徊;盘旋;犹豫 vi. 盘旋,翱翔;徘徊 vt. 孵;徘徊在…近旁 n. (Hover)人名;(英、德)霍弗 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5041}

dispersed [dɪ'spɜ:st] v. 分散;传播(disperse的过去分词) adj. 散布的;被分散的;被驱散的 { :5981}

tuna [ˈtju:nə] n. 金枪鱼,鲔鱼 n. (Tuna)人名;(葡、匈、捷、土、塞)图纳 {cet6 :5993}

sticky [ˈstɪki] adj. 粘的;粘性的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :6040}

spawn [spɔ:n] n. 卵;菌丝;产物 vt. 产卵;酿成,造成;大量生产 vi. 产卵;大量生产 {toefl gre :6476}

sperm [spɜ:m] n. 精子;精液;鲸蜡油 { :6966}

glides [ɡlaidz] n. 滑行( glide的名词复数 ); 滑音; 音渡; 过渡音 v. 滑动( glide的第三人称单数 ); 掠过; (鸟或飞机 ) 滑翔 { :7090}

dusk [dʌsk] n. 黄昏,薄暮;幽暗,昏暗 vt. 使变微暗 adj. 微暗的 vi. 变微暗 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :7212}

battalions [bəˈtæljənz] n. (陆军的)一营(大约有一千兵士)( battalion的名词复数 ); 协同作战的部队; 军队; (组织在一起工作的)队伍 { :7237}

comb [kəʊm] n. 梳子;蜂巢;鸡冠 vt. 梳头发;梳毛 vi. (浪)涌起 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :7329}

hatch [hætʃ] n. 孵化;舱口 vt. 孵;策划 vi. 孵化 n. (Hatch)人名;(西)阿奇;(英)哈奇 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7365}

larvae [ˈlɑ:vi:] n. 幼虫;幼体(larva的复数形式) {toefl :7470}

perils [ˈperilz] n. 事故;风险(peril的复数) v. 冒险;置…于危险中(peril的第三人称单数) { :7617}

jellies ['dʒelɪz] n. 果胶;凝胶剂(jelly复数) { :8007}

fin [fɪn] n. 鳍;鱼翅;鳍状物 vt. 切除鳍;装上翅 vi. 猛挥鳍;潜泳 n. (Fin)人名;(法)芬 { :8226}

multitudes [ˈmʌltitju:dz] n. 大量( multitude的名词复数 ); 许多; 大众; 人群 { :8435}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

microscopic [ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪk] adj. 微观的;用显微镜可见的 {cet6 toefl gre :9581}

millimetres [ˈmili-ˌmi:təz] n. 毫米( millimetre的名词复数 ) { :9848}

shimmering ['ʃɪmərɪŋ] adj. 闪烁的;微微发亮的 v. 闪耀(shimmer进行式) { :9903}

feeders [ˈfi:dəz] n. (动植物)进某种食物者( feeder的名词复数 ); 进料器; 供给装置; 鸟食罐 { :10516}

hitching ['hɪtʃɪŋ] n. 系留 v. 钩住,搭便车(hitch的ing形式) { :11186}

headway [ˈhedweɪ] n. 前进;进步;航行速度;间隔时间 {gre :11731}

amiable [ˈeɪmiəbl] adj. 和蔼可亲的,亲切的 n. (Amiable)人名;(法)阿米亚布勒;(英)阿米娅布尔 {ky toefl gre :11755}

shrouds [ʃ'raʊdz] n. 裹尸布( shroud的名词复数 ); 寿衣; 遮蔽物; 覆盖物 v. 隐瞒( shroud的第三人称单数 ); 保密 { :12854}

tropics ['trɒpɪks] n. 热带地区 {toefl :13268}

nocturnal [nɒkˈtɜ:nl] adj. 夜的;夜曲的;夜间发生的 {toefl gre :13312}

sieve [sɪv] vt. 筛;滤 n. [粮食][矿业] 筛子;滤网;不能保守秘密的人 vi. 筛;滤 n. (Sieve)人名;(英)西夫 {toefl ielts :15525}

morsels [ˈmɔ:səlz] n. 一口( morsel的名词复数 ); (尤指食物)小块,碎屑 { :15533}

waltz [wɔ:ls] n. 华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲 n. (Waltz)人名;(英、葡、德、匈、波)华尔兹 adj. 圆舞曲的;华尔兹舞的 vt. 硬拖;与…跳华尔兹舞 vi. 跳华尔兹舞;旋转;轻快地走动 { :15767}

kilograms ['kɪləgræm] n. [计量] 公斤,千克 {ielts :15873}

invertebrates [ɪn'vɜ:təbreɪts] n. 无脊椎动物( invertebrate的名词复数 ) { :17362}

plankton [ˈplæŋktən] n. 浮游生物(总称) {ielts gre :19300}

gooseberries [ˈgu:sˌberi:z] n. 醋栗( gooseberry的名词复数 ); 醋栗树丛; (陪伴年轻女人到交际场所的)女伴; 当电灯泡(夹在两个情侶之间的不知趣者) { :23845}

hatchling [ˈhætʃlɪŋ] 刚孵化的小动物 {toefl :26157}

hatchlings [ ] (hatchling 的复数) n.人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟 { :26157}

nuptial [ˈnʌpʃl] adj. 婚礼的;结婚的;婚姻的 n. 婚礼 {gre :28089}

ln [ ] abbr. 自然对数(Napierian Logarithm);液态氮(Liquid Nitrogen) { :28828}

petrel [ˈpetrəl] n. [鸟] 海燕 { :28866}

LF [ ] [计] 换行, 低频 [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度 { :30107}

manta [ˈmæntə] n. 外套;女用披巾 n. (Manta)人名;(日)满太 (名);(日)满田(姓);(意、罗、葡)曼塔 { :30225}

remora ['remərə] n. 障碍;障碍物;鮣鱼 n. (Remora)人名;(意)雷莫拉 { :32624}

comb jellies [ ] [网络] 栉水母;梳子胶;梳果冻

comb jelly [ ] [网络] 栉水母;透明的栉水母;会发光的栉水母

drift through [ ] 漂过…

hitch a lift [ ] 搭便车

manta ray [ˈmæntə rei] [网络] 蝠魟;蝠鲼;魔鬼魟

microscopic plant [ ] 微生植物

near continent [ ] n.近欧

nuptial dance [ ] 婚舞

sea gooseberry [ ] [动物]侧腕水母(Pleurobrachia)

sieve out [ ] 过滤出

storm petrel [stɔ:m ˈpetrəl] abbr. (=stormy petrel) [网络] 海燕;海燕式;海燕战士

the tropic [ ] [网络] 热带区

to hatch [ ] 孵化

yellow fin tuna [ ] 黄鳍鲔

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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